Every day I am pretty sure I do at least one thing wrong. Most days I do more. I used to think I was alone, until I talked to other parents who were honest. Here is a place for more parents to feel less alone, and more "good enough".

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Finally feels like Spring

This morning I took Toby up for his first trip to the greengrocers, snuggly wrapped up under my fleece. I love being able to shop locally, the owners are very friendly and helpful, and your bags always get packed for you :-) I picked up a good amount of veg/fruit for just over £10 with the added bonus that none will get wasted as I could pick just the amount needed, also meaning the children can have different fruit without it costing the earth. Plus the broccoli there is oh soooo much nicer than the supermarket stuff!
So when we got back, and Toby had a feed, I put him for a play in his swing and wait for it - hung the washing out! Yes really, snow on the ground still but definitely washing on the line weather yay!! And when I stood, pegging his nappies out, listening to the church bells ringing out, I knew that Spring had arrived.

Watch this space........

Ok so this is a trial and if it looks random or messy or just plain wrong then well, I don't apologise. That feels weird, saying I DON'T apologise, I was writing the opposite but then realised I had no need to apologise, I am trying something new and if it doesn't go absolutely perfect the first time then that's perfectly fine. Unless I was a brain surgeon obviously.
So I have installed Blogger mobile app and am going to attempt more regular blogging once again. It might work, I just attempted oven baked pancake squares and they are delicious. I'm eating them with a fork as I write, liberally covered in banana slices and golden syrup, whilst feeding Toby at the same time, so three things at once is a good start to this I reckon :-)
This is really just a warning, that more regular posts may be appearing, should you wish to either seek out or avoid them, and that the milk monster allowing I may be rejigging my site a bit today. Have a happy Easter weekend!!
Three reasons my blog took a hiatus...