I am supposed to be packing. And having a shower and making all my house tidy to come back to after the weekend. Because tomorrow afternoon/night I am busy with a couple of things that I really really want to do and not cancel, so I need to be all done tonight. Hmm. Very unrealistic.
I feel highly infectiously happy and hyper, lots of things are making me smile today. The weather has been glorious and we have played out lots, with bubbles and music, and it has been fun. I can not even begin to explain how much I love my new job and place of work.
So, today today today. Started off lots of fun, haha!! I had to set off early to catch the bus down to my mum's as she couldn't bring my pram home last night as some stupid weirdos smashed my brother's window so she had my nieces staying at her house whilst he waited in for it to be fixed. Anyway, I didn't fancy setting off 3 hours early to let Jessica walk down, so I just set off 15 minutes early and got the bus. So there we were, legging it out of the cul-de-sac, laces untied, coats in hand, Jessica complaining I wasn't letting her walk (I actually wanted to catch the bus, you see...) When we got off the bus, Jessica steadfastly walked to the edge of the pavement and tried to walk into the road. The wrong way. After a few false starts and complaints, she eventually figured out it was walk the right way, or be carried. So she held her hand out like a little lady and walked beautifully all the way to Nana's. When she got there, she had a stress over food and where to sit, then tipped her milk all over the table, and my coffee all over my mat. I decided to go to work. On getting out of the house, I realised her "no-spill" cup had lost it's valve, and had spilt in my bag. Everything seemed fine and it was only water so I thought argh be right. On the way to Bradford, I wrote a list of packing things, and felt rather organised. Then I realised I'd forgotten my lunch. Then I put my hand in my bag and realised my DIARY WAS WET!!!!
And I thought, do you know what, it's sunny and it's nearly the weekend, so I made an executive decision to start the weekend early. I went to Caffe Nero and treated myself to a double espresso to take out, and bought my lunch from there too. In the past, the fact of everything that had happened that morning, and the prospect of the fabulous weekend ahead, would have made me really dread being in work. But this job is different, I LOVE this job!! The people I work with are great, the owners are great, the kids are great, the parents are great, the place is great. I actually was happy to be on my way to work, it cheered me up!! How amazing is that?? But, I think I may need to invest in an espresso machine, as that double espresso was very delicious and I don't think it will be good for my budget if I buy one every morning.
Everybody was giving me funny looks on the bus this morning as I kept looking out of the window and then scribbling things down on my packing list. They probably thought I was a crazy writing lady. They wouldn't be far wrong. This week I am rather happy and hyper and very tunnel-visioned, and if I am supposed to be doing something or deciding something or paying something, please don't expect anything to happen until after Monday. My mind is working over-drive right now, and something has to give. Most things, in fact.
So, now, I really really have to go pack. And shower. And I really think I'm going to be up until about 1am. And, I did tell James Coleman that I was going to be sensible and not go on facebook tonight until I had packed, which obviously was a blatant lie, but in my defence my phone was dead all day so I felt a need to catch up. And now I just feel a need to not pack. And, really, who in their right mind would believe me when I said that I wasn't going to go on facebook for a whole night??? But then again, he is not very clever. I have just read on facebook that he cut his own hand with scissors he was holding. He obviously thought I wouldn't read that, as I wouldn't be on facebook. Hmm, well, now everybody knows :D
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